Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rice in Egg

Yummm eh ? :D Thats what i made for dinner :D YAY! recipe at

I was really just gonan make chicken fried rice .... but i decided to make this afterall ... pretty :D

I put chicken fried rice in it instead of all the other things.. you can put anything in u like :D

Havent blog for a while.... been sick and lazy. Went to the doctor and doing some blood test tomorrow. hope I pass this test LOL!!!!!!!!! jk jk ..... i know what I have i think ... i will be on pills yay ... i think lol ... Its only a minor thyroid problem and I am over worry ... meh .... ~!

Annual winter recital is coming up!!! Cheer for all my student who has the courage to step up on a big stage!!!! Me ? STRESS!!!! No more parents coming up to me and tell me its my fault that their children do bad.. PLZ!

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