Thursday, November 15, 2007


Furry Little Pig Soup

Not really furry don't worry.

Its just the melon thats furry on the outside. Its call hairy cucumber or chinese zucchini.

I got the idea from

Instead of using winter melon, we use hairy melon ( thats what i like to call it cuz its hairy outside) instead. We just found one in our fridge that needs to be use asap. Luckily we have 排骨 in our house thanks to my roommate's relatives.

I LOVE hairy melon soup. I remember my grandma would make it for me a lot a lot when she was alive. She taught me how to eat i guess a hairy melon at first ^^ Thank you grandma :D

We also add shiitake mushroom to make it very sweet ^^

Complete Recipe (we didnt use this recipe, we just use approximate cuz THATS how i cook lol)

-1 whole hairy melon , wash & cut into small pieces. (my grandma like BIG chunks cuz she's lazy , but I know a lot of people like little cubes. )
- 1 ~ 2 lbs of ribs 排骨 (cut into little pieces)
- 3~4 shiitake mushrooms (washed, soak in water until soft, cut to thin slices)
- 1 piece of ginger
- chicken flavor bouillon to taste (or 1 can chicken broth if u dont like msg it hink it is msg lol )
- pinch of salt to taste

1. Boil ribs in enough water to cover it to get all the dirty disgusting stuff (what ARE THOSE REALLY) and blood out. Rinse.
2. Boil 6 cups of water in a big pot.
3. When its bubbling boil add all the ingredients. Add the water that's with the mushroom into the soup.
4. Add chicken flavor bouillon and little salt to flavor. Boil for 20 minutes.
5. DRINK!! :D Its soooooo goood hehe

I finally FINALLY know how to focus on my camera :D The first picture is the one thats focus! hehe .. yay ! THANK U THANK U THANK U SANDRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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