Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I can't take pictures

Traffic Light Beef 紅綠燈牛牛
I have the camera now yay! I need to know how to take better pictures tho i think .... take practice i guess :D I take better picture with a ... phone ????? Oh well ..

We just put whatever is in our fridge in this dish. Using teriyaki sauce and italian dressing for the juice and sauce. Thank you Sandra for the recipe!! I am sure this is nothing too unique and everyone cooked it ....just stir fry :D

ingredients :D so pretty! ~ This is my fav. pic of today.. well so far ... cuz you know me ... I will take more!
the teriyaki sauce we use !

The beef was little too hard because we had put in our fridge for a little too long or cooked too long. I didn't like the extra ginger taste that was in the sauce. Its not bad tho!!! It looks pretty hehe:p I really cant dis it because i didnt cook it :p hehe

I like the cup i "stole"

See I go ballistic with my camera.... :D Well def. need to practice...... I shake wayyyyyyy too much!

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