Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tea 4 Me!

ea is very very good ..need I say more ?

  • Tea is good for the bones.
  • "The researchers believe that the key could be the high fluoride content in tea, especially green tea.
  • They believe that other ingredients such as flavonoids and phytoestrogen may also help preserve bone density." from

  • Tea can help with high cholesterol and even damage by smoking -- possibly prevent cancer and heart diseases!
  • It is inexpensive , non toxic and yummy!!!
  • It lowers blood sugar !

I can go on and on , but I wont :D I LOVE tea , and I start liking it at a very young age too! I am drinking that today
<----------- Its a Japanese green tea with a little taste of roasted rice. It's very good!

Chinese Rose Tea .. I believe is Chinese! haha .. I'm allergic to rose tea but I wish I can drink some!!! I get all itchy tho after I drink it. But I guess thats what allergy meds are for!

<---------- Found this in our cupboard. It smell really really good! I will def. have a cup of this one day! Hope I wont get itchy!

Chinese Jasmine Tea... a tea everyone has in their home in ottawa I think. I def. have some at mommy's house! Thats all i drank before is this tea! I guess because its the cheapest tea around here ? Ya probably ...its still really good! Love Jasmine flowers taste and smell!

Last but not least my cup of tea ^^ Have a great cup of tea today!!!!

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